Razzle is the offspring of our beloved “Speck” whom we lost in 2019 and the band stallion Arnold “aka: Hank.” This very special boy remained a bachelor for several years, preferring time with his buddies and occasionally coming back to spend time with his mom and younger siblings. Razzle has a personality to match his vibrant coloring and it is never hard to spot him in a gathering of bands. He is curious, playful and has eyes that will capture your heart.
After losing his mom and then spending time with his younger sister “Ivory” for much of last year, Razzle finally moved into the new role of band stallion this year. His first mare came with a youngster so he gained a family of his own right away. As he has gotten used to this new life and role, Razzle has realized that he needs to be protective of his family and less curious about humans; a natural progression into this new position of responsibility.
The Big Summit herd will no doubt be seeing some unique contributions from this extraordinary boy as he carries on the very unique factors of Speck’s bloodline. Oh how exciting it will be to see his first offspring!
Razzle is the offspring of our beloved “Speck” whom we lost in 2019 and the band stallion Arnold “aka: Hank.” This very special boy remained a bachelor for several years, preferring time with his buddies and occasionally coming back to spend time with his mom and younger siblings. Razzle has a personality to match his vibrant coloring and it is never hard to spot him in a gathering of bands. He is curious, playful and has eyes that will capture your heart.
After losing his mom and then spending time with his younger sister “Ivory” for much of last year, Razzle finally moved into the new role of band stallion this year. His first mare came with a youngster so he gained a family of his own right away. As he has gotten used to this new life and role, Razzle has realized that he needs to be protective of his family and less curious about humans; a natural progression into this new position of responsibility.
The Big Summit herd will no doubt be seeing some unique contributions from this extraordinary boy as he carries on the very unique factors of Speck’s bloodline. Oh how exciting it will be to see his first offspring!
Razzle is the offspring of our beloved “Speck” whom we lost in 2019 and the band stallion Arnold “aka: Hank.” This very special boy remained a bachelor for several years, preferring time with his buddies and occasionally coming back to spend time with his mom and younger siblings. Razzle has a personality to match his vibrant coloring and it is never hard to spot him in a gathering of bands. He is curious, playful and has eyes that will capture your heart.
After losing his mom and then spending time with his younger sister “Ivory” for much of last year, Razzle finally moved into the new role of band stallion this year. His first mare came with a youngster so he gained a family of his own right away. As he has gotten used to this new life and role, Razzle has realized that he needs to be protective of his family and less curious about humans; a natural progression into this new position of responsibility.
The Big Summit herd will no doubt be seeing some unique contributions from this extraordinary boy as he carries on the very unique factors of Speck’s bloodline. Oh how exciting it will be to see his first offspring!